





2018-06-16 17:13:00来源:网络


  For most students, this SAT/ACT testing schedule will give you the best chance of getting the score you want. It makes sure you test early, gives you room to improve, and offers enough buffer time so that you can get the score you want before your college applications are due. Here are the four steps you'll need to take: 对大多数学生而言,一个可靠的SAT / ACT考试时间表将为他们提供获得所需分数的最佳机会。它确保你提前测试,为你提供改进空间,并提供足够的缓冲时间,以便在你的大学申请到期之前获得所需的分数。以下是你需要采取的四个步骤:

  Step1: Take the PSAT as a Junior步骤1: PSAT

  If you’re aiming for a National Merit scholarship,you'll want to prepare for the PSAT (which is essentially a practice SAT) and take it your junior year. For most students, though, there's no need to prepare for it; rather, you should look at the PSAT as an opportunity to get early exposure to the SAT. 如果你的目标是获得国家优异奖学金,你就需要为PSAT做准备(这本质上是一种SAT练习),并在高中的前两年完成。但对大多数学生来说,没有必要为此做好准备;相反,应该将PSAT视为提前接触SAT的机会。

  Step2: Take the February ACT or March SAT as a Junior步骤2:以2月ACT或3月SAT作为一次准备考试。

  These are the first SAT/ACT test dates after winter break, so use your break to prepare for the test. Make sure you have a study plan and take at least one or two full-length SAT/ACT practice tests some time before the test so you can get used to the format. As this will be your first official test, look at your score as a starting score to improve on later. 这是冬季休息后的第一次SAT / ACT考试日期,所以你可以利用你的休息时间来准备测试。确保你有一个精确的学习计划,并在正式考试前的某个时候至少参加一次或两次全面的SAT/ ACT考试,以便习惯这种考试模式。因为这将是你的第一次参加考试,所以将你的成绩看作是你提高的起点。

  Step3: Take the April/June ACT or the May/June SAT as a Junior步骤3:参加4月/ 6月的ACT或5月/ 6月的SAT作为第二次准备考试

  You’ll need to prep a little harder for this test. Makesure you have a long-term study schedule during the school year and are factoring in enough time to study. When deciding between April/May and June test dates, consider your personal schedule and aimt o give yourself as little stress as possible.

  In truth, you're likely to improve your score just by taking the test a second time! Thus, at this point, it’s very possible that your SAT or ACT score will be good enough for the colleges you want to apply to. If you still want to improve, however, move on to step 4.

  因为你需要为这些考试做更多的准备。确保你在学年中有一个长期的学习计划,并留出有足够的时间来学习。在决定4月/ 5月和6月的考试日期时,把你个人的时间规划也考虑到,并尽量给自己尽可能小的压力。事实上,只要再次参加考试,你很可能会提高你的分数!因此,在这一点上,你的SAT或ACT分数很可能会满足你想要申请的大学的要求。但是,如果你仍然想要改进,那么就转到步骤4.

  Step4: Take the August SAT or September ACT as a Senior步骤4:参加8月份的SAT考试或9月ACT作为正式考试。

  From steps 2 and 3, you'll know how much room you need to grow to hit your SAT goal score or ACT goal score. During the summer, it's important to work really hard at improving your scores—even at the expense of your social life and personal fun. (It's well worth it, though, as a higher score will get you access to better colleges and scholarships!) 完成第2步和第3步后,你将知道需要增加多少空间才能达到SAT分数或ACT分数。在夏季,重要的是要努力提高你的分数 - 即使牺牲你的社交生活和个人乐趣。 (这很值得,但是,更高的分数会让你获得更好的大学和奖学金!)

  Step5: Still Dissatisfied With Your Score? Take the SAT/ACT in the Late Fall 最后一步:仍然不满意你的分数?

  Late fall your senior year is typically your last chance to take the SAT/ACT and still get your scores to your schools in time.

  That said, if you've already taken the test multiple times, you're unlikely to see more than incremental change without a lot of dedicated prep. To really raise your score, you'll need to set aside plenty of time to study. This might mean spending less time with friends or even easing off some of your extracurriculars to give you more time to fully concentrate on the test.

  在晚秋参加SAT / ACT秋季。你的高三通常是你参加SAT /ACT的最后一次机会,并且仍然能够及时得到你的学校成绩。如果你已经多次参加了考试,并没有很多专门的准备工作,那么你的成绩不太可能发生更多的变化。要真正提高你的分数,你需要留出足够的时间来学习。这可能意味着花更少的时间与朋友在一起,甚至放松你的一些课外活动,让你有更多的时间来完全专注于测试。

  Why is this five-step plan so effective? For one, it gives you early warning signs for your starting score so you know how much you have to improve by. It also offers enough flexibility for you to schedule your prep time as needed. Finally, it gives you several chances to take the test in case you have a bad day and don't score as highly as you want to. As a final tip, remember to register well in advance of the deadline so you can pay as few fees as possible. 为什么这五步计划如此有效?首先,它会为你提供初始分数的早期警告标志,以便你知道你需要改进多少。它还为你提供足够的灵活性,以根据需要安排你的准备时间。最后,如果你发挥失常,并且没有像你想要的那么高的分数,它给了你额外的几次机会来参加测试。作为最后的提示,记得在截止日期之前注册好,这样你可以支付尽可能少的尽可能收费。



本文关键字: SAT考试 ACT考试


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