




SAT1(Barrons)巴朗3500基础词汇(List 4)

2013-07-25 13:15:12来源:网络


Word List 4 apotheosis-astigmatism

apotheosis N./神化,典范/elevation to godhood; an ideal example of something. The apotheosis of a Roman emperor was designed to insure his eternal greatness: people would worship at his altar forever. The hero of the musical How to Succeed in Business ... was the apotheosis of yuppieness: he was the perfect upwardly-bound young man on the make.

appall V./使惊慌,震惊/dismay; shock. We were appalled by the horrify­ing conditions in the city's jails.

apparatus N./器械,设备/equipment. Firefighters use specialized apparatus to fight fires.

apparition N./鬼,幽灵/ghost; phantom. On the castle battlements, an apparition materialized and spoke to Hamlet, warning him of his uncle's treachery. In Ghostbusters, hordes of apparitions materialized, only to be dematerialized by the specialized apparatus wielded by Bill Murray.

appease V./平静,安抚/pacify or soothe; relieve. Tom and Jody tried to appease the crying baby by offering him one toy after another, but he would not calm down until they appeased his hunger by giving him a bottle.

appellation N./名字,标题/name; title. Macbeth was startled when the witches greeted him with an incorrect appellation. Why did they call him Thane of Cawdor, he wondered, when the holder of that title still lived?

append V./追加,附上/attach. When you append a bibliography to a text, you have just created an appendix.

application N./勤奋的付出/diligent attention. Pleased with how well Tom had whitewashed the fence, Aunt Polly praised him for his application to the task. apply, V.(secondary meaning)

apposite ADJ./合适的/appropriate; fitting. He was always able to find the apposite phrase, the correct expression for every occasion.

appraise V./估价/estimate value of. It is difficult to appraise the value of old paintings; it is easier to call them priceless. appraisal, N.

appreciate V./感激;增值;赏识/be thankful for; increase in worth; be thor­oughly conscious of. Little Orphan Annie truly appreciated the stocks Daddy Warbucks gave her, which appreciated in value considerably over the years.

apprehend V./逮捕;惧怕;领会/arrest (a criminal); dread; perceive. The police will apprehend the culprit and convict him before long.

apprehension N./害怕/fear. His nervous glances at the passersby on the deserted street revealed his apprehension.

apprenticeship N./学徒身份/time spent as a novice learning a trade from a skilled worker. As a child, Pip had thought it would be wonderful to work as Joe's apprentice; now he hated his apprenticeship and scorned the blacksmith's trade.

apprise V./告诉/inform. When he was apprised of the danger­ous weather conditions, he decided to postpone his trip.

approbation N./同意,批准/approval. She looked for some sign of approbation from her parents, hoping her good grades would please them.

appropriateV./获得;挪用,据为己有/acquire; take possession of for one's own use. The ranch owners appropriated the lands that had originally been set aside for the Indians' use.

apropos PREP./关于/with reference to; regarding. I find your remarks apropos of the present situation timely and perti­nent. alsoADJ.and ADV.

aptitude N./能力,才能/fitness; talent. The counselor gave him an apti­tude test before advising him about the career he should follow.

aquatic ADJ./与水有关系的/pertaining to water. Paul enjoyed aquatic sports such as scuba diving and snorkeling.

aquiline ADJ./弯曲的,钩状的/curved, hooked. He can be recognized by his aquiline nose, curved like the beak of the eagle.

arable ADJ./可耕种的/fit for growing crops. The first settlers wrote home glowing reports of the New World, praising its vast acres of arable land ready for the plow.

arbiter N./仲裁者/a person with power to decide a dispute; judge. As an arbiter in labor disputes, she has won the confidence of the workers and the employers.

arbitrary ADJ./反复无常;残暴;随机的/capricious; randomly chosen; tyrannical. Tom's arbitrary dismissal angered him; his boss had no rea­son to fire him. He threw an arbitrary assortment of clothes into his suitcase and headed off, not caring where he went.

arbitrator N./仲裁者/judge. Because the negotiating teams had been unable to reach a contract settlement, an outside arbi­trator was called upon to mediate the dispute between union and management. arbitration, N.

arboretum N./植物园/place where different tree varieties are exhibited. Walking along the tree-lined paths of the arbore­tum, Rita noted poplars, firs, and some particularly fine sycamores.

arcade N./拱廊/a covered passageway, usually lined with shops. The arcade was popular with shoppers because it gave them protection from the summer sun and the winter rain.

arcane ADJ./秘密;谜/secret; mysterious; known only to the initiated. Secret brotherhoods surround themselves with arcane ritu­als and trappings to mystify outsiders. So do doctors. Con­sider the arcane terminology they use and the impression they try to give that what is arcane to us is obvious to them.

archaeology N./考古学/study of artifacts and relics of early mankind. The professor of archaeology headed an expedi­tion to the Gobi Desert in search of ancient ruins.

archaic ADJ./过时的/antiquated. "Methinks," "thee," and "thou" are archaic words that are no longer part of our normal vocabulary.

archetype N./原形/prototype; primitive pattern. The Brooklyn Bridge was the archetype of the many spans that now con­nect Manhattan with Long Island and New Jersey.

archipelagoN./群岛/group of closely located islands. When Gauguin looked at the map and saw the archipelagoes in the South Seas, he longed to visit them.

archives N./档案;档案馆/public records; place where public records are kept. These documents should be part of the archives so that historians may be able to evaluate them in the future.

ardent ADJ./激烈的;热心肠的;有激情的/intense; passionate; zealous. Katya's ardor was contagious; soon all her fellow demonstrators were busily making posters and handing out flyers, inspired by her ardent enthusiasm for the cause. ardor, N.

arduous ADJ./努力;奋发/hard; strenuous. Her arduous efforts had sapped her energy.

aria N./清唱剧/operatic solo. At her Metropolitan Opera audition, Marian Anderson sang an aria from Norma.

arid ADJ./荒芜的/dry; barren. The cactus has adapted to survive in an arid environment.

aristocracy N./贵族/hereditary nobility; privileged class. Ameri­cans have mixed feelings about hereditary aristocracy. we say all men are created equal, but we describe particularly outstanding people as natural aristocrats.

armada N./舰队/fleet of warships. Queen Elizabeth's navy defeated the mighty armada that threatened the English coast.

aromatic ADJ./芬芳的/fragrant. Medieval sailing vessels brought aromatic herbs from China to Europe.

arousal N./觉醒;激励/awakening; provocation (of a response). On arousal, Papa was always grumpy as a bear. The children tiptoed around the house, fearing they would arouse his anger by waking him up.

arraign V./传讯;责问/charge in court; indict. After his indictment by the Grand Jury, the accused man was arraigned in the County Criminal Court.

array V./排列;整理/marshal; draw up in order. His actions were bound to array public sentiment against him. also N.

array V./衣服;穿着,装饰/clothe; adorn. She liked to watch her mother array herself in her finest clothes before going out for the evening. also N.

arrears N./欠债/being in debt. He was in arrears with his pay­ments on the car.

arrest V./阻止;引起注意;吸引/stop or slow down; catch someone's attention. Slipping, the trapeze artist plunged from the heights until a safety net luckily arrested his fall. This near-disaster arrested the crowd's attention.

arrogance N./傲慢,骄傲/pride; haughtiness. Convinced that Emma thought she was better than anyone else in the class, Ed rebuked her for her arrogance.

arroyo N./干枯的河床/gully. Until the heavy rains of the past spring, this arroyo had been a dry bed.

arsenal N./军火库/storage place for military equipment. People are forbidden to smoke in the arsenal for fear that a stray spark might setoff the munitions stored there.

articulate ADJ./有效的;独特的/effective; distinct. Her articulate presentation of the advertising campaign impressed her employers. alsoV.

artifact N./人造物品/object made by human beings, either hand­made or mass-produced. Archaeologists debated the sig­nificance of the artifacts discovered in the ruins of Asia Minor but came to no conclusion about the culture they rep­resented.

artifice N./技巧;欺骗/deception; trickery. The Trojan War proved to the Greeks that cunning and artifice were often more effec­tive than military might.

artisan N./工匠/manually skilled worker; craftsman, as opposed to artist. A noted artisan, Arturo was known for the fine craftsmanship of his inlaid cabinets.

artless ADJ./坦诚;直率/without guile; open and honest. Sophisticated and cynical, Jack could not believe Jill was as artless and naive as she appeared to be.

ascendancy N./统治,控制/controlling influence; domination. Leaders of religious cults maintain ascendancy over their followers by methods that can verge on brainwashing.

ascertain V./确认,确证/find out for certain. Please ascertain her pre­sent address.

ascetic ADJ./苦行;禁欲/practicing self-denial; austere. The wealthy, self-indulgent young man felt oddly drawn to the strict, ascetic life led by members of some monastic orders. also N.

ascribe V./归因于;指派/refer; attribute; assign. I can ascribe no motive for her acts.

aseptic ADJ./抗菌的/preventing infection; having a cleansing effect. Hospitals succeeded in lowering the mortality rate as soon as they introduced aseptic conditions.

ashen ADJ./灰色/ash-colored. Her face was ashen with fear.

asinine ADJ./愚蠢/stupid. Your asinine remarks prove that you have not given this problem any serious consideration.

askance ADJ./瞄,不经意的斜视/with a sideways or indirect look. Looking askance at her questioner, she displayed her scorn.

askew ADJ./歪斜/crookedly; slanted; at an angle. When he placed his hat askew upon his head, his observers laughed.

asperity N./严酷,粗暴/sharpness (of temper). These remarks, spoken with asperity, stung the boys to whom they had been directed.

aspirant N./有志者;有抱负的人/seeker after position or status. Although I am an aspirant for public office, I am not willing to accept the dictates of the party bosses. alsoADJ.

aspire V./热望;热心于/seek to attain; long for. Because he aspired to a career in professional sports, Philip enrolled in a graduate program in sports management. aspiration, N.

assail V./攻击/assault. He was assailed with questions after his lecture.

assay V./分析;化验/analyze; evaluate. When they assayed the ore, they found that they had discovered a very rich vein. also N.

assent V./同意;接受/agree; accept. It gives me great pleasure to assentto your request.

assert V./断言/declare or state with confidence; put oneself for­ward boldly. Malcolm asserted that if Reese quit acting like a wimp and asserted himself a bit more, he'd improve his chances of getting a date. assertion, N.

assessment N./评价,评估;判断/evaluation; judgment. Your SAT I score plays a part in the admission committee's assessment of you as an applicant.

assiduousADJ./勤奋/diligent. He was assiduous, working at this task for weeks before he felt satisfied with his results. assiduity, N.

assimilate V./吸收;同化/absorb; cause to become homogeneous. The manner in which the United States was able to assimilate the hordes of immigrants during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries will always be a source of pride to Americans. The immigrants eagerly assimilated new ideas and customs; they soaked them up, the way plants soak up water.

*assuage V./减轻(痛苦);满足(饥渴);安慰/ease or lessen (pain); satisfy (hunger); soothe (anger). Jilted by Jane, Dick tried to assuage his heartache by indulging in ice cream. One gallon later, he had assuaged his appetite but not his grief.

assumptionN./假定,设想;采取/something taken for granted; taking over or taking possession of. The young princess made the foolish assumption that the regent would not object to her assump­tion of power. assume,V.

assurance N./担保,保证;确定;自信/promise or pledge; certainty; self-confi­dence. When Guthrie gave Guinness his assurance that rehearsals were going well, he spoke with such assurance that Guinness felt relieved. assure,V.

asteroid N./小行星/small planet. Asteroids have become common­place to the readers of interstellar travel stories in science fiction magazines.

astigmatism N./散光/eye defect that prevents proper focus. As soon as his parents discovered that the boy suffered from astigmatism, they took him to the optometrist for corrective glasses.


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