




SAT1(Barrons)巴朗3500基础词汇(List 10)

2013-07-25 13:33:28来源:网络


Word List 10 collaborate-congenital

collaborate V./协作,合作/work together. Two writers collaborated in preparing this book.

collage N./拼贴画/work of art put together from fragments. Scraps of cloth, paper doilies, and old photographs all went into her collage.

collate V./校对,整理/examine in order to verify authenticity; arrange in order. They collated the newly found manuscripts to deter­mine their age.

collateral N./抵押品/security given for loan. The sum you wish to borrow is so large that it must be secured by collateral.

colloquial ADJ./口语的/pertaining to conversational or common speech. Some of the new, less formal reading passages on SAT I have a colloquial tone that is intended to make them more appealing to students.

collusion N./勾结/Conspiring in a fraudulent scheme. The swindlers were found guilty of collusion.

colossal ADJ./巨大/huge. Radio City Music Hall has a colossal stage.

comatose ADJ./昏迷;熟睡/a coma; extremely sleepy. The long­winded orator soon had his audience in a comatose state.

*combustible ADJ./易燃的/easily burned. After the recent outbreak of fires in private homes, the fire commissioner ordered that all combustible materials be kept in safe containers, also N.

comely ADJ./清秀,美丽,漂亮;有吸引力的/attractive; agreeable. I would rather have a poor and comely wife than a rich and homely one.

comeuppance N./报应/rebuke; deserts. After his earlier rude­ness, we were delighted to see him get his comeuppance.

commandeerV./征用,招募/to draft for military purposes; to take for public use. The policeman commandeered the first car that approached and ordered the driver to go to the nearest hospital.

commemorate V./纪念/honor the memory of. The statue of the Minute Man commemorates the valiant soldiers who fought in the Revolutionary War.

commensurate ADJ./相当的,相称的/equal in extent. Your reward will be commensurate with your effort.

commiserateV./怜悯,同情/feel or express pity or sympathy for. Her friends commiserated with the widow.

commodiousADJ./宽敞,舒适/spacious and comfortable. After sleep­ing in small roadside cabins, they found their hotel suite commodious.

communal ADJ./公共的/held in common; of a group of people. When they were divorced, they had trouble dividing their communal property.

compact N./合约,合同/agreement; contract. The signers of the Mayflower Compact were establishing a form of government.

compact ADJ./紧密的,结实的/tightly packed; firm; brief. His short, com­pact body was better suited to wrestling than to basketball.

comparableADJ./相似的/similar. People whose jobs are compara­ble in difficulty should receive comparable pay.

compatible ADJ./和谐的/harmonious; in harmony with. They were compatible neighbors, never quarreling over unimportant matters. compatibility, N.

compelling ADJ./强制的/overpowering; irresistible in effect. The prosecutor presented a well-reasoned case, but the defense attorney's compelling arguments for leniency won over the jury.

compensatory ADJ./补偿/making up for; repaying. Can a com­pensatory education program make up for the inadequate schooling he received in earlier years?

compile V./聚集,积累,汇集/assemble; gather; accumulate. We planned to compile a list of the words most frequently used on SAT I examinations.

complacency N./自满;装模作样/self-satisfaction; smugness. Full of com­placency about his latest victories, he looked smugly at the row of trophies on his mantelpiece. complacent,ADJ.

complaisant ADJ./彬彬有礼;殷勤/trying to please; obliging. The courtier obeyed the king's orders in a complaisant manner.

complement V./补足;完善/complete; consummate; make perfect. The waiter recommended a glass of port to complement the cheese. also N.

*complementary ADJ./补足的,完善的/serving to complete something. John and Lisa's skills are complementary. he's good at following a daily routine, while she's great at improvising and han­dling emergencies. Together they make a great team.

complianceN./顺从/readiness to yield; conformity in fulfilling requirements. Bullheaded Bill was not noted for easy com­pliance with the demands of others. As an architect, how­ever, Bill recognized that his design for the new school had to be in compliance with the local building code.

compliant ADJ./顺从/yielding. Because Joel usually gave in and went along with whatever his friends desired, his mother worried that he might be too compliant.

complicity N./共犯,共同/participation; involvement. You cannot keep your complicity in this affair secret very long; you would be wise to admit your involvement immediately.

component N./成分/element; ingredient. I wish all the compo­nents of my stereo system were working at the same time.

composure N./镇定,沉着/mental calmness. Even the latest work crisis failed to shake her composure.

compound V./混合;组合;增加/combine; constitute; pay interest; increase. The makers of the popular cold remedy compounded a nasal decongestant with an antihistamine. also N.

comprehensive ADJ./全面的/thorough; inclusive. This book pro­vides a comprehensive review of verbal and math skills for the SAT.

compress V./压缩/close; squeeze; contract. She compressed the package under her arm.

comprise V./包括/include; consist of. If the District of Columbia were to be granted statehood, the United States of America would comprise fifty-one states, not just fifty.

compromise V./危害;妥协/adjust or settle by making mutual conces­sions; endanger the interests or reputation of. Sometimes the presence of a neutral third party can help adversaries compromise their differences. Unfortunately, you're not neu­tral; therefore, your presence here compromises our chances of reaching an agreement. also N.

compunction N./后悔/remorse. The judge was especially severe in his sentencing because he felt that the criminal had shown no compunction for his heinous crime.

compute V./计算/reckon; calculate. He failed to compute the interest, so his bank balance was not accurate. computa­tion, N.

concave ADJ./空的/hollow. The back-packers found partial shel­ter from the storm by huddling against the concave wall of the cliff.

concede V./勉强,让步,屈从/admit; yield. Despite all the evidence Monica had assembled, Mark refused to concede that she was right.

conceit N./自负,自大;离奇古怪的想法/vanity or self-love; whimsical idea; extravagant metaphor. Although Jack was smug and puffed up with conceit, he was an entertaining companion, always expressing himself in amusing conceits and witty turns of phrase.

concentric ADJ./同心/having a common center. The target was made of concentric circles.

conceptionN./开始,构思/beginning; forming of an idea. At the first conception of the work, he was consulted. conceive,V.

concerted ADJ./协调的/mutually agreed on; done together. All the Girl Scouts made a concerted effort to raise funds for their annual outing. When the movie star appeared, his fans let out a concerted sigh.

concessionN./让步/an act of yielding. Before they could reach an agreement, both sides had to make certain concessions.


本文关键字: SATBarrons 巴朗


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