




SAT1(Barrons)巴朗3500基础词汇(List 24)

2013-07-25 15:08:43来源:网络


Word List 24 immaculate-incessant

immaculateADJ./无暇的/spotless; flawless; absolutely clean. Ken and Jessica were wonderful tenants and left the apartment in immaculate condition when they moved out.

imminent ADJ./即将到来,逼近的/near at hand; impending. Rosa was such a last-minute worker that she could never start writing a paper till the deadline was imminent.

immobility N./无法移动,不可移动的/state of being immovable. Modern armies cannot afford the luxury of immobility, as they are vulnera­ble to attack while standing still.

immune ADJ./免疫;抵抗/resistant to; free or exempt from. Fortunately, Florence had contracted chicken pox as a child and was immune to it when her baby broke out in spots.

immutable ADJ./不可动摇的,不能改变的/unchangeable. All things change over time; nothing is immutable.

impair V./伤害/injure; hurt. Drinking alcoholcan impair your abil­ity to drive safely; if you're going to drink, don't drive.

impale V./刺穿/Pierce. He was impaled by the spear hurled by his adversary.

impalpable ADJ./难以明了,难以觉察的/imperceptible; intangible. The ash is so fine that it is impalpable to the touch but it can be seen as a fine layer covering the window ledge.

impart V./赋予;告诉/reveal or tell; grant. Polly begged Grandma to impart her recipe for rugeleh, but her grandmother wouldn't say a word.

impartial ADJ./公平的/not biased; fair. Knowing she could not be impartial about her own child, Jo refused to judge any match in which Billy was competing.

impassableADJ./无路可通的;没法通行/not able to be traveled or crossed. A giant redwood had fallen across the highway, blocking all four lanes: the road was impassable.

impasse N./走投无路;僵局/predicament from which there is no escape; deadlock. In this impasse, all turned to prayer as their last hope.

impassive ADJ./冷漠的/without feeling; imperturbable; stoical. Refusing to let the enemy see how deeply shaken he was by his capture, the prisoner kept his face impassive.

impeach V./控告,检举;弹劾/charge with crime in office; indict. The angry congressman wanted to impeach the president for his mis­deeds.

impeccableADJ./没有缺点/faultless. The uncrowned queen of the fashion industry, Diana was acclaimed for her impeccable taste.

impecuniousADJ./身无分文的/without money. Though Scrooge claimed he was too impecunious to give alms, he easily could have afforded to be charitable.

impede V./阻止;拖延/hinder; block; delay. A series of accidents impeded the launching of the space shuttle.

impediment N./妨碍;障碍物/hindrance; stumbling-block. She had a speech impediment that prevented her speaking clearly.

impel V./驱使/drive or force onward. A strong feeling of urgency impelled her; if she failed to finish the project right then, she knew that she would never get it done.

impenetrableADJ./难以进入的;难以渗透的;不可理解的/not able to be pierced or entered; beyond understanding. How could the murderer have got­ten into the locked room? To Watson, the mystery, like the room, was impenetrable.

impending ADJ./接近的;附近的/nearing; approaching. The entire country was saddened by the news of his impending death.

impenitent ADJ./执迷不悟的/not repentant. We could see from his tough guy attitude that he was impenitent.

imperative ADJ./及其重要,及其关键/absolutely necessary; critically important. It is imperative that you be extremely agreeable to Great­Aunt Maud when she comes to tea: otherwise she might not leave you that million dollars in her will. also N.

imperceptible ADJ./察觉不到的/unnoticeable; undetectable. Fortu­nately, the stain on the blouse was imperceptible after the blouse had gone through the wash.

imperial ADJ./帝王的;皇帝的/like an emperor; related to an empire. When hotel owner Leona Helmsley appeared in ads as Queen Leona standing guard over the Palace Hotel, her critics mocked her imperial fancies.

imperious ADJ./专横的/domineering; haughty. Jane rather liked a man to be masterful, but Mr. Rochester seemed so bent on getting his own way that he was actually imperious!

impermeableADJ./不能渗透的/impervious; not permitting passage through its substance. This new material is impermeable to liquids.

impertinentADJ./不相干的;鲁莽的/insolent; rude. His neighbors' impertinent curiosity about his lack of dates angered Ted. It was down­right rude of them to ask him such personal questions.

imperturbable ADJ./沉着冷静;平静/calm; placid; composed. In the midst of the battle, the Duke of Wellington remained imper­turbable and in full command of the situation despite the hysteria and panic all around him. imperturbability, N.

Impervious ADJ./不会被损的;不能渗透的/impenetrable; incapable of being dam­aged or distressed. The carpet salesman told Simone that his most expensive brand of floor covering was warranted to be impervious to ordinary wear and tear. Having read so many negative reviews of his acting, the movie star had learned to ignore them, and was now impervious to criticism.

impetuous ADJ./冲动的,鲁莽的/violent; hasty; rash. "Leap before you look" was the motto suggested by one particularly impetuous young man.

impetus N./动力;动机/incentive; stimulus; moving force. A new fed­eral highway program would create jobs and give added impetus to our economic recovery.

impiety N./不敬(对神);不虔诚/irreverence; lack of respect for God. When members of the youth group draped the church in toilet paper one Halloween, the minister reprimanded them for their impiety.

impinge V./撞击;碰撞/infringe; touch;. collide with. How could they be married without impinging on one another's freedom?

impiousADJ./不敬的;不礼貌的/irreverent. The congregation was offended by her impious remarks.

implacable ADJ./不能平静的/incapable of being pacified. Madame Defarge was the implacable enemy of the Evremonde family.

implausibleADJ./难以置信的;不像是真的/unlikely; unbelievable. Though her alibi seemed implausible, it in fact turned out to be true.

implement V./贯彻,实现;用工具实现/put into effect; supply with tools. The mayor was unwilling to implement the plan until she was sure it had the governor's backing. also N.

implicate V./牵连,牵扯(犯罪);暗示/incriminate; show to be involved. Here's the deal: if you agree to take the witness stand and implicate your partners in crime, the prosecution will recommend that the judge go easy in sentencing you.

implication N./含义;暗示/something hinted at or suggested. When Miss Watson said she hadn't seen her purse since the last time Jim was in the house, the implication was that she sus­pected Jim had taken it. imply,V.

implicit ADJ./会意的,意会而不言传;暗示的/understood but not stated. Jack never told Jill he adored her; he believed his love was implicit in his actions.

implore V./恳求/beg. He implored her to give him a second chance.

imply V./暗示;表示/suggest a meaning not expressed; signify. When Aunt Millie said, "My! That's a big piece of pie, young man!" was she implying that Bobby was being a glutton in helping himself to such a huge piece?

importunate ADJ./胡搅蛮缠的;苛刻的/urging; demanding. He tried to hide from his importunate creditors until his allowance arrived.

importune V./强求;不停的求/beg persistently. Democratic and Republi­can phone solicitors importuned her for contributions so fre­quently that she decided to give nothing to either party.

impostor N./冒充者;冒名顶替的人/someone who assumes a false identity. Holmes exposed the doctor as an impostor.

impotent ADJ./无能的;弱的/weak; ineffective. Although he wished to break the nicotine habit, he found himself impotent in resist­ing the craving for a cigarette.

impoverished ADJ./穷/poor. The loss of their farm left the fam­ily impoverished and without hope.

impregnable ADJ./不受影响的;无敌的/invulnerable. Until the development of the airplane as a military weapon, the fort was considered impregnable.

impromptu ADJ./一时冲动的;即兴的/without previous preparation; off the cuff; on the spur of the moment. The judges were amazed that she could make such a thorough, well-supported presenta­tion in an impromptu speech.

impropriety N./不合适,不恰当/improperness; unsuitableness. Because of the impropriety of the punk rocker's slashed T-shirt and jeans, the management refused to admit him to the hotel's very formal dining room.

improvident ADJ./浪费的/thriftless. He was constantly being warned to mend his improvident ways and begin to "save for a rainy day." improvidence, N.

improvise V./临时准备;即席创作,现编/compose on the spur of the moment. She would sit at the piano and improvise for hours on themes from Bach and Handel.

imprudent ADJ./轻率的,判断错误的/lacking caution; injudicious. It is imprudent to exercise vigorously and become overheated when you are unwell.

impudence N./无礼;厚颜无耻/impertinence; insolence. Kissed on the cheek by a perfect stranger, Lady Catherine exclaimed, "Of all the nerve! Young man, I should have you horse-whipped for your impudence."

impugn V./打击;挑战/dispute or contradict (often in an insulting way); challenge; gainsay. Our treasurer was furious when the finance committee's report impugned the accuracy of his financial records and recommended that he should take bonehead math.

impunity N./免受惩罚/freedom from punishment or harm. A 98­pound weakling can't attack a beachfront bully with impunity. the poor, puny guy is sure to get mashed.

inadvertentlyADV./不经意的/unintentionally; by oversight; care­lessly. Judy's great fear was that she might inadvertently omit a question on the exam and mismark her whole answer sheet.

inalienable ADJ./无可取代的;不能给与的/not to be taken away; nontransferable. The Declaration of Independence mentions the inalienable rights that all of us possess.

inane ADJ./傻;粗心/silly; senseless. There's no point to what you're saying. Why are you bothering to make such inane remarks?

inanimate ADJ./了无生气的,死气沉沉的/lifeless. She was asked to identify the still and inanimate body.

inarticulate ADJ./不善于表达的;口齿不清的/speechless; producing indistinct speech. He became inarticulate with rage and uttered sounds with­out meaning.

inaugurate V./开始;开幕;开幕式/start; initiate; install in office. The airline decided to inaugurate its new route to the Far East with a special reduced fare offer. inaugural,ADJ.

incandescent ADJ./白炽的/strikingly bright; shining with intense heat. If you leave on an incandescent light bulb, it quickly grows too hot to touch.

incantationN./咒语/singing or chanting of magic spells; magical formula. Uttering incantations to make the brew more potent, the witch doctor stirred the liquid in the caldron.

incapacitate V./使其无能力/disable. During the winter, many people were incapacitated by respiratory ailments.

incarcerate V./囚禁/imprison. The civil rights workers were will­ing to be arrested and even incarcerated if by their impris­onment they could serve the cause.

incarnationN./化身;具人形/act of assuming a human body and human nature. The incarnation of Jesus Christ is a basic tenet of Christian theology.

incendiary N./纵火者/arsonist. The fire spread in such an unusual manner that the fire department chiefs were certain that it had been set by an incendiary. alsoADJ.

incense V./激怒/enrage; infuriate. Cruelty to defenseless ani­mals incensed Kit: the very idea brought tears of anger to her eyes.

incentive N./刺激,驱动/spur; motive. Mike's strong desire to outshine his big sister was all the incentive he needed to do well in school.

inception N./开始,开端/start; beginning. She was involved with the project from its inception.

incessant ADJ./不停的/uninterrupted; unceasing. In a famous TV commercial, the frogs' incessant croaking goes on and on until eventually it turns into a single word: "Bud-weis-er."


本文关键字: SAT Barrons 巴朗


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