




SAT1(Barrons)巴朗3500基础词汇(List 41)

2013-07-25 17:02:09来源:网络


Word List 41 resentment-sacrosanct

resentment N./怨恨;愤恨/indignation; bitterness; displeasure. Not wanting to appear a sore loser, Bill tried to hide his resent­ment of Barry's success.

reserve N./自我控制;疏远/self-control; formal but distant manner. Although some girls were attracted by Mark's air of reserve, Judy was put off by it, for she felt his aloofness indicated a lack of openness. reserved,ADJ.

residue N./残留物;余额/remainder; balance. In his will, he requested that after payment of debts, taxes, and funeral expenses, the residue be given to his wife. residual,ADJ.

resigned ADJ./认命,顺从;听天由命/accepting one's fate; unresisting; patiently submissive. Resigned to his downtrodden existence, Bob Cratchit was too meek to protest Scrooge's bullying. resig­nation, N.

resilient ADJ./弹性的/elastic; having the power of springing back. Highly resilient, steel makes excellent bedsprings. resilience, N.

resolution N./坚定;决心;决定/determination; resolve. Nothing could shake his resolution that his children would get the best education that money could buy. resolute,ADJ.

resolve N./决心;解决/determination; firmness of purpose. How dare you question my resolve to take up sky-diving! Of course I haven't changed my mind!

resolve V./决定;安排/decide; settle; solve. Holmes resolved to travel to Bohemia to resolve the dispute between Irene Adler and the king.

resonant ADJ./共鸣的/echoing; resounding; deep and full in sound. The deep, resonant voice of the actor James Earl Jones makes him particularly effective when he appears on stage.

respiration N./呼吸;呼吸作用;呼气/breathing; exhalation. The doctor found that the patient's years of smoking had adversely affected both his lung capacity and his rate of respiration.

respite N./暂缓/interval of relief; time for rest; delay in punish­ment. After working nonstop on this project for three straight months. I need a respite! For David, the two weeks vaca­tioning in New Zealand were a delightful respite from the pressures of his job.

resplendent ADJ./辉煌的;光辉的/dazzling; glorious; brilliant. While all the adults were commenting how glorious the emperor looked in his resplendent new clothes, one little boy was heard to say, "But he's naked!"

responsiveness N./响应的/state of reacting readily to appeals, orders, etc. The audience cheered and applauded, delight­ing the performers by its responsiveness.

restitution N./归还;补偿/reparation; indemnification. He offered to make restitution for the window broken by his son.

restive ADJ./焦躁不安的;难以压抑的/restlessly impatient; obstinately resisting con­trol. Waiting impatiently in line to see Santa Claus, even the best-behaved children grow restive and start to fidget.

restraint N./抑制;控制/moderation or self-control; controlling force; restriction. Control yourself. young lady! Show some restraint!

resumptionN./恢复;重新开始/taking up again; recommencement. During summer break, Don had not realized how much he missed university life: at the resumption of classes, however, he felt marked excitement and pleasure. resume,V.

resurge V./复活/rise again; flow to and fro. It was startling to see the spirit of nationalism resurge as the Soviet Union disinte­grated into a loose federation of ethnic and national groups. resurgence, N.

retain V./保持;使用/keep; employ. Fighting to retain his seat in Con­gress, Senator Foghorn retained a new manager to head his reelection campaign.

retaliation N./报仇/repayment in kind (usually for bad treat­ment). Because everyone knew the Princeton Band had stolen Brown's mascot, the whole Princeton student body expected some sort of retaliation from Brown. retaliate,V.

retentive ADJ./保持的;记性好的/holding; having a good memory. The pupil did not need to spend much time studying, for he had a retentive mind and remembered all he read.

reticence N./不动声色的;深藏不露的;沉默寡言的/reserve; uncommunicativeness; inclination to silence. Fearing his competitors might get advance word about his plans from talkative staff members, Hughes pre­ferred reticence from his employees to loquacity. reticent,ADJ.

retinue N./随行人员;扈从/following; attendants. The queen's retinue fol­lowed her down the aisle.

retiring ADJ./退休的;谦虚的,害羞的/modest; shy. Given Susan's retiring personal­ity, no one expected her to take up public speaking; sur­prisingly enough, she became a star of the school debate team,

retort N./反驳;曲颈甑/quick sharp reply. Even when it was advisable for her to keep her mouth shut, she was always ready with a quick retort. alsoV.

retract V./撤回,撤退/withdraw; take back. When I saw how Fred and his fraternity brothers had trashed the frat house, I decided to retract my offer to let them use our summer cottage for the weekend. retraction, N.

retrench V./裁减,削减;紧缩,节约/cut down; economize. In order to be able to afford to send their children to college, they would have to retrench. retrenchment, N.

retribution N./复仇;补偿;惩罚/vengeance; compensation; punishment for offenses. The evangelist maintained that an angry deity would exact retribution from the sinners.

retrieve V./重新得到;找回/recover; find and bring in. The dog was intelligent and quickly learned to retrieve the game killed by the hunter.

retroactive ADJ./反动的;(法律)追溯的(由制定之日前的某一天生效)/of a law that dates back to a period before its enactment. Because the law was retroactive to the first of the year, we found she was eligible for the pension.

retrograde V./倒退的/go backwards; degenerate. instead of advancing, our civilization seems to have retrograded in ethics and culture. alsoADJ.

retrospective ADJ./回顾的/looking back on the past. The Museum of Graphic Arts is holding a retrospective showing of the paintings of Michael Whelan over the past two decades.

revelry N./狂欢/boisterous merrymaking. New Year's Eve is a night of revelry

reverent ADJ./尊敬的;可敬的/respectful; worshipful. Though I bow my head in church and recite the prayers, sometimes I don't feel properly reverent. revere,V.

reverie N./冥想;发呆;白日梦/daydream; musing. He was awakened from his reverie by the teacher's question.

revert V./回复;故态复萌/relapse; backslide; turn back to. Most of the time Andy seemed sensitive and mature, but occasionally he would revert to his smart-alecky, macho, adolescent self.

revile V./辱骂,谩骂,诽谤/attack with abusive language; vilify. Though most of his contemporaries reviled Captain Kidd as a notorious, bloody-handed pirate, some of his fellow merchant-cap­tains believed him innocent of his alleged crimes.

revoke V./撤回;取消/cancel; retract. Repeat offenders who continue to drive under the influence of alcohol face having their dri­ver's licenses permanently revoked.

revulsion N./剧变(情感的);抽回;收手/sudden violent change of feeling; reaction. Many people in this country who admired dictatorships underwent a revulsion when they realized what Hitler and Mussolini were trying to do.

rhapsodize V./狂热地描述;写狂想文,作狂想曲/to speak or write in an exaggeratedly enthu­siastic manner. She greatly enjoyed her Hawaiian vacation and rhapsodized about it for weeks.

rhetoric N./说话的学问;花言巧语/art of effective communication; insincere lan­guage. All writers, by necessity, must be skilled in rhetoric.

rhetorical ADJ./修辞色彩的;花言巧语的/pertaining to effective communication; insincere in language. To win his audience; the speaker used every rhetorical trick in the book.

ribald ADJ./下流的;放荡的;亵渎的/wanton; profane. He sang a ribald song that offended many of the more prudish listeners.

riddle V./刺出无数窟窿,打排孔;充斥,弥漫;通过粗眼筛子过滤;谜语;解决,解释;提出,解谜/pierce with holes; permeate or spread through­out. With his machine gun, Tracy riddled the car with bullets till it looked like a slice of Swiss cheese. During the proof­readers' strike, the newspaper was riddled with typos.

rider N./附文;扶手/amendment or clause added to a legislative bill. Senator Foghorn said he would support Senator Filibuster's tax reform bill only if Filibuster agreed to add an antipollu­tion riderto the bill.

rife ADJ./普遍的/abundant; current. In the face of the many rumors of scandal, which are rife at the moment, it is best to remain silent.

rift N./裂缝;破口/opening; break. The plane was lost in the stormy sky until the pilot saw the city through a rift in the clouds.

rig V./配备;装备/fix or manipulate. The ward boss was able to rig the election by bribing people to stuff the ballot boxes with bal­lots marked in his candidate's favor.

rigid ADJ./刚硬的;不屈的/stiff and unyielding; strict; hard and unbending. By living with a man to whom she was not married, George Eliot broke Victorian society's most rigid rule of respectable behavior.

rigor N./严格,苛刻;精确/severity. Many settlers could not stand the rigors of the New England winters.

rigorous ADJ./严峻的;严格的;严厉的/severe; harsh; demanding; exact. Disliked by his superiors, the officer candidate in An Officer and a Gen­tleman endured an extremely rigorous training program.

rile V./激怒/vex; irritate; muddy. Red had a hair-trigger temper: he was an easy man to rile.

riveting ADJ./迷人的/absorbing; engrossing. The reviewer described Byatt's novel Possession as a riveting tale, one so absorbing that he had finished it in a single night.

rivulet N./小溪/small stream. As the rains continued, the small trickle of water running down the hillside grew into a rivulet that threatened to wash away a portion of the slope.

robust ADJ./健壮的/vigorous; strong. After pumping iron and tak­ing karate for six months, the little old lady was so robust that she could break a plank with her fist.

roil V./搅动(使水变浑);激怒/to make liquids murky by stirring up sediment. Be careful when you pour not to roil the wine; if you stir up the sediment you'll destroy the flavor.

roster N./列表/list. They print the roster of players in the sea­son's program.

rostrum N./演讲台;讲道坛/platform for speech-making; pulpit. The crowd murmured angrily and indicated that they did not care to lis­ten to the speaker who was approaching the rostrum.

rote N./生搬硬套;死记硬背/repetition. He recited the passage by rote and gave no indication he understood what he was saying.

rotundity N./圆形,球状;洪亮的演讲/roundness; sonorousness of speech. Wash­ington Irving emphasized the rotundity of the governor by describing his height and circumference.

rousing ADJ./活跃的;煽动的/lively; stirring. "And now, let's have a rousing welcome for TV's own Roseanne Barr, who'll lead us in a rousing rendition of 'The Star-Spangled Banner."'

rout V./吓跑;赶出;击退/stampede; drive out. The reinforcements were able to rout the enemy. also N.

rubble N./碎片/broken fragments. Ten years after World War II, some of the rubble left by enemy bombings could still be seen.

ruddy ADJ./红的;红润的,白里透红的;健康的/reddish; healthy-looking. Santa Claus's ruddy cheeks nicely complement Rudolph the Reindeer's bright red nose.

rudimentary ADJ./原始的;最初的;原来的/not developed; elementary; crude. Although my grandmother's English vocabulary was limited to a few rudimentary phrases, she always could make her­self understood.

rue V./懊悔;后悔;感伤/regret; lament; mourn. Tina rued the night she met Tony and wondered how she ever fell for such a jerk. rueful,ADJ.

ruffian N./流氓;恶棍;痞子/bully; scoundrel. The ruffians threw stones at the police.

ruminate V./反复咀嚼;消化;深思;反刍/chew over and over (mentally, or, like cows, physically); mull over; ponder. Unable to digest quickly the baffling events of the day, Reuben ruminated about them till four in the morning.

rummage V./到处翻寻/ransack; thoroughly search. When we rum­maged through the trunks in the attic, we found many sou­venirs of our childhood days. also N.

ruse N./技巧;策略,计谋/trick; stratagem. You will not be able to fool your friends with such an obvious ruse.

rustic ADJ./乡村的;笨拙的,不舒服的/pertaining to country people; uncouth. The backwoodsman looked out of place in his rustic attire.

ruthless ADJ./无情的/pitiless; cruel. Captain Hook was a danger­ous, ruthless villain who would stop at nothing to destroy Peter Pan.

saboteur N./破坏分子;怠工者/one who commits sabotage; destroyer of property. Members of the Resistance acted as saboteurs, blowing up train lines to prevent supplies from reaching the Nazi army.

saccharine ADJ./糖精的;代糖的;极甜的/cloyingly sweet. She tried to ingratiate herself, speaking sweetly and smiling a saccharine smile.

sacrilegious ADJ./亵渎的,天谴的/desecrating; profane. His stealing of the altar cloth was a very sacrilegious act.

sacrosanctADJ./非常神圣的/most sacred; inviolable. The brash insur­ance salesman invaded the sacrosanct privacy of the office of the president of the company.


本文关键字: SAT Barrons 巴朗


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