





2018-06-12 17:09:00来源:网络



  deluge N. /冲(水)(刺)/flood; rush. When we advertised the position, we received a deluge of applications.

  delusion N. /错觉/false belief; hallucination. Don suffers from delusions of grandeur: he thinks he's a world-famous

  author when he's published just one paperback book.

  delve V. /挖掘;调查/dig; investigate. Delving into old books and manuscripts is part of a researcher's job.

  demagogue N. /煽动政治家/person who appeals to people's prejudice; false leader of people. He was accused of

  being a demagogue because he made promises that aroused futile hopes in his listeners.

  demean V. /降级;贬低/degrade; humiliate. Standing on his dignity, he refused to demean himself by replying to the

  offensive letter. If you truly believed in the dignity of labor, you would not think it would demean you to work as a janitor.

  demeanor N. /风度;行为/behavior; bearing. His sober demeanor quieted the noisy revelers.

  demented ADJ. /疯狂的/insane. Doctor Demento was a lunatic radio personality who liked to act as if he were truly

  demented. If you're demented, your mental state is out of whack; in other words, you're wacky.

  demise N. /死/death. Upon the demise of the dictator, a bitter dispute about succession to power developed.

  demolition N. /拆除/destruction. One of the major aims of the air force was the complete demolition of all means of

  transportation by bombing of rail lines and terminals. demolish,V.

  demoniac ADJ. /魔鬼的/fiendish. The Spanish Inquisition devised many demoniac means of torture. demon, N.

  demur V. /反对;犹豫/object (because of doubts, scruples); hesitate. When offered a post on the board of directors,

  David demurred: he had scruples about taking on the job because he was unsure he could handle it in addition to his other responsibilities.

  demure ADJ. /端庄的;认真的;腼腆的/grave; serious; coy. She was demure and reserved, a nice modest girl whom any

  young man would be proud to take home to his mother.

  demystify V. /澄清;揭秘/clarify; free from mystery or obscurity. Helpful doctors demystify medical procedures by

  describing them in everyday language, explaining that a myringotomy, for example, is an operation involving making a small hole in one's eardrum.

  denigrate V. /抹黑/blacken. All attempts to denigrate the character of our late president have failed; the people still

  love him and cherish his memory.

  denizen N. /居民;常客/inhabitant or resident; regular visitor. In The Untouchables, Eliot Ness fights AI Capone and the

  other denizens of Chicago's underworld. Ness's fight against corruption was the talk of all the denizens of the local bars.

  denotation N. /指示;根据名字区别/meaning; distinguishing by name. A dictionary will always give us the denotation of

  a word; frequently, it will also give us the connotations. denote, V.

  denouement N. /结局;结果/outcome; final development of the plot of a play. The play was childishly written; the

  denouement was obvious to sophisticated theatergoers as early as the middle of the first act.

  denounce V. /咒骂;批评/condemn; criticize. The reform candidate denounced the corrupt city officers for having

  betrayed the public's trust. denunciation, N.

  depict V. /描述/portray. In this sensational exposé, the author depicts Beatle John Lennon as a drug-crazed neurotic.

  Do you question the accuracy of this depiction of Lennon?

  deplete V. /耗尽;减少/reduce; exhaust. We must wait until we deplete our present inventory before we order


  deplore V. /悔恨/regret; disapprove of. Although I deplore the vulgarity of your language, I defend your right to

  express yourself freely.

  deploy V. /散开;部署/spread out [troops] in an extended though shallow battle line. The general ordered the battalion

  to deploy in order to meet the enemy offensive.

  depose V. /革职/dethrone; remove from office. The army attempted to depose the king and set up a military



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