




SAT写作高分范文赏析:failure and success

2019-01-30 16:49:20来源:网络

  为了帮助大家高效备考SAT,新东方在线SAT频道为大家带来“SAT写作高分范文赏析:failure and success”,希望对大家SAT备考有所帮助。更多精彩尽请关注新东方在线SAT频道!

  What do you think of the idea that failure can lead one to success?

  Although many people fear failure, successful people know that failure is often a necessary step on the road to success. Thomas Edison encountered failure after failure before finally making the historic scientific discoveries for which he is famous. In addition, Abraham Lincoln failed many times before he was ultimately successful. My Aunt Helen also learns from her failures and is consequently able to succeed in the long run.

  Thomas Edison, one of the greatest inventors in the world, failed time and time again to find the right substance to serve as filament in this great invention, the light bulb. He tried over 1,500 materials before he found one that worked. But rather than give up, Edison kept trying. Each failure taught him something new and helped him eventually figure out what kind of material would work. Edison’s experience teaches us that no failure should be viewed as a final result. Instead, failure is simply part of the process that leads to success.

  Likewise, Abraham Lincoln lost two elections to the United States Senate before being selected president in 1860. He learned enough from his failed political campaigns that he was able to eventually to capture the highest office in the country. Today Lincoln is widely considered the greatest American president, but during his first two years in office, many people considered him a failure. Early in the Civil War, the union army appeared to be losing. With the country at war, Lincoln found it hard to generate support for his policies, and his party, the Republican Party, lost many seats in Congress during the midterm election. Yet Lincoln learned from his mistakes, and today he is credited with having saved the country during its greatest crisis. Believing that failure was destined to turn into success, Lincoln endured hardships and became one of the greatest Presidents of United States.

  My Aunt Helen also viewed her failure a learning experience and finally accomplished her goals. She only succeeded in business on her third dry. First, she started a restaurant, Helen’s Place. Though it was popular and did a steady business, Aunt Helen knew little about managing money, so her restaurant went out of business. Then she tried to open a coffeehouse, but there were already many popular coffeehouses in her town, so her coffeehouses never managed to attract many customers. Finally, using knowledge she had gained from her earlier business, she started her own catering service. It has been a success for ten years now. Rather than being discouraged by her failure, Aunt Helen learned from them. For her, failure was simple part of the journey that led her eventually to success.

  Examples from science, politics, and business demonstrate that failure, if one learns from it, can ultimately lead to accomplishment. If we want to achieve success in the future, we should see the bright side of failures---they can lead us to victory as long as we keep trying.

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