





2023-07-25 08:50:00来源:新东方在线SAT




  第一篇: 小说

  该篇文章节选自尼日利亚裔美国80后女作家Julie Iromuanya的长篇小说Mr. and Mrs. Doctor,下图为小说的封面图。


  The story revolves around Job Ogbonnaya referred at as “Mr. Doctor”. His poor parents have sent him to America to study medicine, but unknown to them, halfway into the program, Job drops out of college. What does he then do? He refuses to admit the truth to family and friends, and continues to collect his annual tuition money. He then goes on to marry Ifi. He travels all the way to Port Harcourt from Nebraska for this arranged marriage. Ifi who is a former house-girl sees Job as the only ticket of upward mobility available to a woman of her social status. She will do everything possible to succeed including, reducing her age to appear young enough to marry a doctor from America.She is so proud of herself and cannot wait to live the “Life”.

  Job keeps up the pretence even after they have settled down in America. He works hard at two hourly jobs with the hope of someday returning to medical school to become a doctor. He promises Ifi that he would someday open a clinic in Nigeria, where he will be doctor and she would be nurse. But contrary to all the lies, Job is not a doctor; he is a mere nursing assistant.

  Ifi sees through the lies soon after moving into his rodent -infested one-bedroom apartment. The paint peels off the walls of their apartment, the remains of the extant animal parts stuck in the shower, and rodents everywhere in their bedroom, told the whole story. She had been deceived. Being a skilled liar herself, she knew when someone was not being truthful. She suddenly feels a sense of emptiness arising from disappointment which the author memorably depicts thus:

  “Ifi opened her palms and let snow fall into them. She scooped it into her hands, pressed them together. She placed it in her mouth and tasted. It was cold and wet, like rain. That was all. She felt foolish.”

  Even though Job is comically inept at impersonating a doctor and also poverty stricken, Ifi continues to keep his secret to his friends in Nebraska and in her letters home. One of the letters reads:“There are already four bedrooms, but because my husband is considering the inclusion of a home library to store all of his medical diagrams and journals, we are discussing with contractors the possibility of adding a fifth room.

  Aunty, she concluded, you would not recognize me for the skinny girl who left home”Unknown to Ifi years down the line, Job had paid a huge sum of money to acquire a Green Card through an arranged marriage to Cheryl, a chain smoking white lady. Trouble begins when financially challenged Cheryl emerges and begins to threaten his entire life’s purpose. His best-friend Emeka, whose very presence makes Job envious, emerges to shake Job back to reality. When Ifi is about to give birth, the couple’s attention is transferred to their new son, Victor. Job decides, “I have been foolish…. For too long…. My son will be the doctor instead of me. My daughter will be the nurse instead of Ifi.”

  Every reader is likely to be attracted to and drawn to the character of “Job Ogbonnaya”. Job is portrayed as a man who is very keen on convincing everybody about the veracity of the lies he has grown so accustomed to telling. He would do anything to protect his image, including wearing a lab coat and stethoscope whenever he arrives from work. Many might see Job as an unrepentant liar, but it is more apt to envision him as a man who is habitually ruled by the many indices of insecurities that threaten a man’s will to succeed. Job would rather die than go back home a failure. He would rather tell a lie, than appear to be seen as a joke by family in his homeland. He is given to believing that if he told the lie often enough, it would somehow become the truth. The more he spoke, the bigger the promises, the larger he felt. His mindset is expressed in the following:

  “—you know my friend, there are three things a man must do in his native land: marry, bury and retire. America is the steppingstone. If you cannot make it here, then go home a joke

  — and so they spent most free evenings in airless rooms, sweating into the yellowed armpits of their favorite topic.”

  Iromuanya in an interview said she appears to find completely likable characters to be unlikable and boring. It is no wonder that the narrative seems to have more flawed characters than pleasant ones. It perhaps made the story more interesting. A reader is inadvertently drawn to the depth of their human experiences. One is intrigued by the norms, beliefs, code of ethics that drove their actions. The reader ultimately comes to realize one thing; their attitudes stemmed from a genuine will to survive and be successful. Job’s reason for coming to America was to become a doctor, so he must lie to protect his reputation.

  The characters in the novel are memorable and not easily forgotten. From the nosy and judgmental neighbor who encourages Ifi to leave Job; to Emeka and Gladys, also Nigerian immigrants to America, whose competitive nature fractures their friendship with Ifi and Job; to Cheryl, the red-headed American woman with raw, knobby knees who Job married for citizenship (and quickly divorced). Their lives weave in and out of each other’s in a reclining narrative, yet always remaining tightly written. Iromuanya’s ability to invent and depict such characters is one of the significant strategies that make the novel a narrative tour de force.

  The novel’s yarn is woven by a writer with a great deal of empathy. The tone of the story takes on a comical and sometimes sadistic voice of the characters. Iromuanya born to Nigerian migrant parents and raised in Midwest USA, has rendered a significant artistic service by mirroring the thoughts and driving motives of a migrant character’s actions. She handles the characters with such tenderness that what emerges is an often funny, but ultimately tragic story of the modern immigrant experience.

  A comic element in the novel begins when Job attempts to “recreate a scene from American pornography, slamming his new wife to the wall and shouting “You-are-the-dirty-slut-girl!” Ifi punches him in the gut with a sandal, and decks him with a haymaker to the ear”.

  The novel explores the themes of deceit, immigration, marriage, family, ambition, and the American dream. The relationship between Job and Ifi is premised on deception. Ifi had high hopes about marrying an American doctor and she looked forward to it, until she finds herself in a rodent infested apartment. Job’s struggles to migrate landed him in a tangle with a white woman who he had paid a large sum to help him secure a green card. All the characters have ambitious expectations from life. This is actually what they become hostage to in America.

  The theme of the American dream is fully dissected in the novel. It makes the reader wonder about the myth of the American dream and ask, “What really constitutes the America dream? Is the American dream truly attainable or is just a hoax? Does the American dream truly relate to people of all classes and races? What is there for immigrants presently striving in the American society?” A reader would like to believe that in America a little diligence, determination and focus can make any dream come true. Unfortunately this novel portrays the near impossibility of achieving the American dream, especially for immigrants and minorities. It dissects social issues regarding, race, immigration, poverty, sexism, etc.

  When Job is assaulted outside the petrol station by a group of African American teenagers, the police interrogate him as if he is a criminal or a drug dealer and not as a victim which he truly is. When he is asked to describe his assailants, the officer tutors and manipulates him as follows:

  “So they were African American, like you?”

  “Yes. I mean no. Not African American. I am not African American. I am from Africa. I am a citizen. I am an American, but I am no African American.”

  “I see.” In apparent confusion, the officer frowned. “But they were black, though. Black like you?”

  “No. Not like me.”

  “Were they my color, then?”

  “No.” Job glared at the officer’s pinkish flesh. Then his. He stared for a long time. “They were this color. One maybe a little lighter. Two maybe the same.”

  “Black, like you.”

  The language deployed in the novel is deliberately handled in order to make it easy to read and understand. The Nigerian reader will find it easy to understand while the foreigner will discover and learn about many aspects of the struggles immigrants have to contend with. Job’s and Ifi’s thoughts and dialogue are written in a Nigerian-American dialect, and while the narrative and description are presented in more conventional English, the rhythm of their speech permeates the text. The writing is natural and familiar thus drawing the reader into the narrative.

  The novel recreates many scenes in Nigeria as well as others with Job’s only friends in the United States, another Nigerian couple Emeka and Gladys. Emeka has followed a completely different trajectory in America, and probably imagines himself more as an expatriate than an immigrant. He has earned multiple degrees and is thriving as an engineer, while Gladys works as a CPA. Both characters carry the banner of the realization of the American dream. Job’s observation about them is summed up here: “Always there was a look in her eyes that complemented that of Emeka’s, a look that said, this is the American Dream.”




  本文节选自Darwin's Unfinished Symphony: How Culture Made the Human Mind,讲述了科学家通过观察和实验设法来证明,成年Meerkat帮助幼崽的行为,到底算不算教。








  这篇文章节选自长篇科普读物Eating the Sun: How PlantsPower the Planet。讲诉了一位叫马丁的科学家在1990年提出了一种关于大气风把含铁的砂吹到海中,导致浮游生物大量生长,这些浮游生物吸收大气中的二氧化碳,降低我气温,实现了碳循环。后来马丁去世。这个理论假说存在一个问题,另一个科学家解决了这个问题。


  第一篇文章节选自一篇当代演说,作者是在美国司法史上产生重要影响的著名人物——美国联邦第二巡回上诉法院南区女法官Miriam Goldman Cedarbaum,生于1929年,卒于2016年。她的主要观点是:男女法官因性别不同会有一些不同的观点,但这并不妨碍他们做出公正判决,法官们应该克服也能够克服这一点。

  第二篇也是节选自一篇当代演说,是对第一篇演说的直接回应。作者是现任大法官Sonia Sotomayor。她在文章中精准指出了塞达鲍姆论证逻辑的漏洞,并且表示“法官的决策难免会受到个人经历的影响,完全中立的判决是不存在的。黑人法官和女性法官,跟白人法官不可能一样。”这篇演说引起了很大的轰动,有很多人因此攻击索托玛约是一个种族主义者。


  Ishi and her husband movie from Nigeria to Nebraska, discover snow for the first time.

  Paired history passages about Judges and Racial Discrimination.

  Meerkats raising their young.

  Plankton, iron, and C02 in the ocean.

  Economic trends in wages for skilled and unskilled labor.

  Job’s tone towards Ishi when she first arrived.

  The place had an apt name.

  She initially didn't recognize the snow.

  Job’s tone changed from puzzlement to kinship.

  Passage 2 directly responds to the claims of passage 1.



  但从严格意义上来说,句子排序并没有难题,其中一定包含了信息暗示,否则是无法解答的。比如说有一道题”However, the constitution does not hold these rights”,可以利用however这个转折的逻辑来做题。其他题目也是同样道理,它们的信号词不一定明显,但一定会有,可能是隐含在行文逻辑当中。




  assert的意思是“to state clearly and firmly that sth is true 明确,肯定;断言”,而pledge的意思是“to formally promise to give or do sth 保证给予(或做);正式承诺”。



  问到sth wasdated 428 million years ago 后面应该选based on还是and the dating was based on时,在没有其他变量存在的情况下,就是需要靠简洁原则来判断了。

  明显的,based on是更简洁的,但如果还有其他变量,就需要再考虑。其他的选项还有based off等不正确的搭配。

  3、 定语从句

  有关定语从句关系词,最常考的无非是which, that, in which, inthat等选项。这次考试基本都出现了,在前面有标点符号的情况下,不能用that,同时that前面也不能出现介词,比如in(虽然有in that这种说法,表示原因,但偏informal的表达,因此SAT在划线出题部分从来不让in that做正确答案),那么which和in which的区别就在于被关系代词which所指代的先行词从逻辑上而言是定语从句的什么成分了。如果是地点之类的词,在从句中需要加in做从句的地点状语的话,那么变成定语从句则选in which。本次考试的题目,就是一道这样的题。

  还考到了是否需要使用定语从句,添加关系代词who。问The US supreme court justices 后面是否需要加who再接eventually did sth.



  比如说,已知一个二次方程,让我们求两根之和,在处理这个题目时,我们可以使用韦达定理,两根之和等于-b/a,可以求出sum of solutions。







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