





2024-11-15 15:21:59来源:网络






主题:夏威夷乌鸦(Hawaiian crow) 为什么无法重新放归野外的三个原因

1. Vulnerability to Predators Hawaiian crows raised in captivity are very vulnerable when they are reintroduced into their natural habitat because they do not possess good survival skills. The last few times that captive-raised crows were released into the wild, many were killed by Hawaiian hawks, their natural predators. Because the crows did not have the ability to protect themselves from hawk attacks. conservationists decided to take the surviving crows out of the wild and bring them back into captivity.

1. 保护人员意识到需要对圈养的乌鸦进行训练,以识别和避开鹰。训练乌鸦的一种方法是播放鹰的捕猎叫声以及乌鸦的警告叫声。这样,它们就能学会将鹰的叫声与危险联系起来。另一种方法是在不会伤害乌鸦的环境中向圈养的乌鸦展示真正的活鹰。这种训练似乎有效,因为新释放的乌鸦能够成功保护自己受鹰的攻击。

2. Nest Building Captive-raised Hawaiian crows difficulty building have nests where they can lay eggs, reducing the crows' potential for reproducing in the wild. Hawaiian crow nests are built by females, and captive-raised female crows gather and arrange sticks to form nests in the usual manner. However, observers have seen males exhibit disruptive and aggressive behavior, such as sitting in the incomplete nests to disrupt the females' nest building or even attacking the females. The males' behavior appears to disturb the females and thus discourage them from completing the nests.

2. 研究人员已经发现了雄性表现出破坏性和攻击性行为的原因。夏威夷乌鸦是非常社会化的鸟类。它们需要在成长过程中与其他乌鸦互动,以学习适当的行为方式。最初,圈养的雄性乌鸦是与雌性乌鸦隔离饲养的。因此,雄性没有机会发展必要的社交技能,但一旦保护人员意识到这一点,并开始将雄性和雌性起饲养,雄性就学会了更好地与雌性互动,不再干扰它们的筑巢。

3. Egg Hatching Captive-raised Hawaiian crows have failed to produce offspring in the wild. Recently, the first clutch (group) of eggs was laid by a pair of Hawaiian crows in a nest in the wild, and the female appeared to be caring for the eggs. Despite the pair's efforts, these eggs never hatched, and no young chicks emerged. Their unsuccessful attempt at producing chicks suggests that there may be some serious problem likely to prevent this species from reestablishing itself in the wild.

3. 虽然第一批卵没有孵化令人失望,但这并不是一个重大的挫折。在悦读中的案例中,乌鸦产下了未受精的卵。如果乌类没有成功交配,那么产下的卵就是未受精的。当雌鸟在不成功的交配后产下卵,这些卵将无法孵化。那对夏威夷乌鸦实际上是第一次成为父母。对于第一次成为父母的鸟类来说,失败是很正常的。通常,第一次成为父母的鸟类需要尝试多次才能成功交配并产出能够孵化出活雏鸟的卵。


  Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.

  In your response, you should

  · express and support your personal opinion

  · make a contribution to the discussion in your own words

  An effective response will contain at least 100 words. You have ten minutes to write.

  Doctor Diaz:Today we will discuss a topic that is important for students and the public at large: namely, how to prioritize spending, given the limited funding available for schools. Some people think schools should spend more money on schoolteachers’ salaries because, if the salaries improved, more qualified people will be attracted to the profession. Others believe the money should be spent on additional resources such as books and computers. Which viewpoint do you agree with, and why?

  Paul: I believe that increasing schoolteachers’ pay would increase the quality of education. If they made more money, people would consider teaching as a profession instead of going into private industry. We need our smartest people in the classroom.

  Claire: I think schoolteachers already make enough money and already deliver high-quality education. I'm not sure that increasing their salaries would have much effect. However,schools are always in need of new equipment or facilities. Knowledge and technology are always growing and changing, and we need to prepare students with the most up-to-date materials possible.


  I firmly believe that schools should spend more money on additional resources such as books and computers because these tools are essential for preparing students for the modern world. The primary reason is that such resources enhance students’ learning experiences and provide them with the necessary skills for the digital age. Books broaden students’ knowledge base, while computers allow them to develop technical proficiency, which is a prerequisite for many jobs today. For instance, schools equipped with up-to-date computer systems and comprehensive libraries can provide students with a wealth of information at their fingertips. This access encourages independent research, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, all of which are essential for success in the 21st century. While it’s true that increasing schoolteachers’ salaries could attract more qualified professionals, without sufficient resources, even the most competent teachers may struggle to provide comprehensive and modern education. Therefore, while teachers’ salaries are undoubtedly important, maintaining a balanced approach is essential. Investing in books and computers not only enhances the learning environment but also equips students with the tools they need to thrive in our increasingly digital world.



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